Poppa fishing in the river. Happiness.

Cousin Catherine

The Quarles girls and their horses

Odin, Granddad, and Kathy and Odin's horse, Domingo.

The view from our first adventure ride. :)

Katie and her horse, Luna

Vardas at the Rodeo.

Schwabs at the Rodeo

Siren LOVES the rodeo!

Soren being Soren.

Eirik and Erle

Connie is ready for Cow Camp.

Looking over the valley we just traversed on our trusty horses.

At the top of the bluff that looks over Cow Camp. It isn't easy climbing rock face in cowboy boots.

David A, our cookie and fauna guide.

This is the happiest I have ever seen Ian at 6am.

The Cow Camp Homestead.

Horses chillin' at Cow Camp

Breakfast of eggs, sausage and campfire coffee.

Luna, my trusty horse.

An old Model T with a Rocky Mountain Pine growing up in the middle of it.

Our trusty boots for the week. They kept our feet in the stirrups and our rear-ends in the saddle.

The closest we could get of a family photo...

Soren liked the chickens

Odin and a chicken

Ranch hands(Riley and ) and real cowgirls(Jody) are a lot of fun!

This chicken fell asleep if you tipped it back with its head below its body.

Soren and his friend, Woody.

Lori and Dimitri and the kids from kids camp.
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