Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Playdate at the Race Track!

Due to an unexpected mechanical malfunction (Ewan threw his "handbrake")... Odin took the lead this lap. There were no hard feelings in the end.

Boys will be boys

Ewan and Odin having a gummie snack at the park. I (Ian) was not invited.

James Bond or perhaps Buzz Lightyear?

It was a good morning... but apparently lunch wasn't that exciting.

Roar! Roar! I am Roaring Soren!

If only the Galaxy was this cool...

It has been a while...

Before tax return...

After tax return. :)

This is after mommy brought the skin glue home and glued Soren's left brow closed. Soren was toddling at the park and tapped the metal bracer with his eyebrow. Surprise! It gushed blood all over the place. All is well. No trip to the ER.