Monday, February 20, 2012


 Desert birds on the Cactus

 Desert adventurers!

 Pretty little flower

 In perspective.

 Norwegian Schwab/Norderud family in the desert

 Cool rock.

 Native American Eagle dance

 Odin really got in to the Western theme.

 Cactus with a tired arm.

 Tired Soren(sleeping on Ian's shoulder) and the tired-armed cactus.

 The GRAND CANYON. It was grand.

 Beautiful tree.

 Waiting for the sun to rise.

 Here it comes!

 Hiking with Odin in the Sonoran Desert


 These rocks looked like they were on a hike.

 Almost to the "tippy top." Odin really wanted to get to the tippy top.

There we are as little specks in front of "Tom's Thumb."