SO... Kt went to NC to visit a friend but was going to be gone over Mother's Day. Odin was a little upset that his Momma wasn't going to be at his school's Mothers Day Tea party. So we got to talking, and I asked Odin if he wanted me to come. He said in short, "You're not my Mommy or a girl." I responded with the obvious, "But I could be." As we were walking outta the house Odin said, "You forgot lipstick!" So we looked and all i could find was Kt's dark purple... the beard hides it.
It's not my best drag, but on short notice I couldn't put much else together... probably best, since I think about half the room of Mom's were insulted, the other half laughed, and the ones that knew me didn't blink. Glad I wore pants, since I was chasing Soren all over as he kept wanting to play with all the school supplies and apparently "pants under skirts is a Seattle fassion" so tells a mom tells me.
Good times, good food, and Odin enjoyed it :)