Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kt's new kitchen island. The cookies will be made in style!

Here is the finished product. Stained cherry and granite sealed. It took a year (since we purchased the granite) b/c quotes to make an island ran from $2k-3k (silly) so it took me a while to find a stand that I could modify. Making a stand from scratch was going to cost a bit much too and I don't have the right tools. We got the granite at a great price, it was an 'odd end" leftover during a big sale to raise money for the Seattle Children's Hospital in '09.

Two "rails" for towels. Two pot rails under. Two loops for towels/stuff. I cut the lattice shelf to allow for adjustments or a hole to hang the longer pans etc.

View underneath. Large pot holders in front for my big "crab pots."

Here is a finished foot. With counsel from Brother Andy I increased the feet from 3x3 inches to 7x7 to make it a lot more stable. I felted the feet and it's super sturdy and stable now.

Here is a shot of the feet modifications and look at the original color before staining. The lag bolts and washers are sunk to level them. Then I trimmed these oak feet to the above look. Yay!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Soren's first steps and epileptic Elmo

Elmo lost his now he just flops around...
And Soren takes his first steps. :) One day before his 10month birthday.

Minneapolis at Swimming Nationals

All the boys...Soren, Odin, and Sorabh chillin' and laughing at the Elmo formerly known as we call him Epileptic Elmo. Stay tuned.

Soren enjoying egg yolk

Rajul and Sorabh came to the last session of the swim meet.

Family Schwab cheering on the Lords and Ladies.

Coachman and my that he has touched my children...they will swim fast.

Brothers at the aquarium

Nature inside

Ian finished the fish tank...he built the stand, and designed the rock island in the middle. Currently we only have two clown fish; Brad and Kara II. Our Brittle Star, Beetlejuice is also in residence. We look forward to maturing the tank and corals.

We will enjoy our little 40 gallon tank at home and come visit the gazillion gallon tank at the Seattle Aquarium.

Here is Soren playing with the tupperware...a common past time these days.

Here is the right angle of sunlight shining through a sliver of the window and into the fish tank and refracting into the corner of the house. Odin and Soren were AMAZED at this. We enjoyed it for about 10 March if there is sun on these few days we may enjoy it again.